Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yummy Frittata

The other night I was watching the movie "Morning Glory" with Harrison Ford and Rachel McAdams.  I enjoy it, it's cute, funny and romantic, and just cheesy enough to be a guilty pleasure.  But every time after watching it and hearing Harrison Ford repeatedly talk about frittatas, I want to make one.  So this time I did. 
The next morning instead of pouring cereal, I told the kids they were getting something special.  I read a few frittata recipes just to get the gist of what I should be doing, but took Harrison's advice: "The beauty of the frittata is that you can use almost any ingredient. Whatever you happen to have in your refrigerator." Or something to that effect. I knew I had eggs, so that was good.  I found some leftover, already sliced red onions, some spinach that was starting to wilt, cherry tomatoes, garlic and neufchatel cheese. Sounded good to me.
While the frittata was finishing up in the oven, I sliced up a huge plate of fresh fruit, made a big pot of coffee, and set the table outside in the garden.  When it came out of the oven, it was awesome! All fluffy and pretty.  I was so happy that it worked so well, that I forgot that I had just pulled this frying pan out of a 350 degree oven and of course I went right ahead and grabbed the handle with my bare hand.  Luckily it was nothing too bad, I just spent a few hours holding onto frozen teething rings to numb it. Not painful enough to ruin our beautiful little breakfast al fresco!
The kids loved it! Noorah had two pieces for breakfast and another piece later for lunch.  I was pretty happy myself.  It was very similar to a quiche, but faster, less dishes, and for all you gluten free folks out there, this is perfect. No crust.

7 or 8 eggs
a splash of milk
whatever other ingredients you think would go well!
I used:
3 handfuls of fresh spinach, torn
1/3 red onion sliced
1 clove garlic minced
handful of cheery tomatoes
4 oz neufchatel cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Remember: all ingredients and amounts are only a suggestion. You can easily substitute, omit or add whatever you like. As long as you've got eggs.

Preheat your oven to 350.  Spray a good stainless steel, or cast iron frying pan with nonstick spray. I'm not sure if you could use a pan with teflon or not. I think it would be ok, but you want something with a metal handle.  You're going to be putting the whole thing in the oven. 

First I sauteed the onions with just a touch of olive oil.  Then I added the spinach, garlic and tomatoes.  Just until they were wilty and soft. Beat your eggs with the milk, with a whisk or a fork.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Crank up the heat on your pan for just a second. You want a screaming hot pan, apparently that's what makes it nice and fluffy. Pour in your egg mixture.  Use a rubber spatula to lift the spinach and onions a bit to make sure the egg gets to the bottom.  I scooped quarter size dollops of the neufchatel cheese and dropped it onto the top of the frittata.  Let the whole thing cook for a few minutes, it will start to set up. Then take your pan and put it into the oven to finish.  I didn't let mine set up very much on the stove top, so it cooked for 30 minutes.  When you take it out of the oven, it should be slightly browned on top.  And the edges should begin to pull away from the pan.  USE YOUR OVEN MITT! And when you set it on the stove top or counter, leave a towel wrapped around the handle, or use an ice cube to cool that handle. You will almost surely forget, and just grab it. It's a habit. And it HURTS!

Use your rubber spatula to loosen the edges, slice and enjoy hot! It's also delicious later, cold. 

Next time, I plan on trying some brie or feta, maybe some asparagus, or even leftover hash browns. Hmmmm. 

If you have other suggestions, I would love to hear them!

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