Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Caprese Salad, so easy so YUM!

We've had a crazy few weeks! One weekend we drove 11 hours to Philadelphia, the next we were visiting family in Michigan. This weekend we plan on travelling again.  We've been living out of a suitcase as much as we've been home.  We've also been living off leftovers from my nephew's graduation.  The food was fantastic, and I really didn't even mind eating it three days in a row, it was THAT good! But by the third day, I just needed something fresh to add to it. Something simple, summery, and easy. Not to mention the tomatoes on our counter were starting to go bad in a few spots and needed to be used up.  So I cut off the yucky parts and used 'em up! The basil is from our garden, which is really starting to produce now.   

This is such an easy salad, you can make it even easier by buying fresh mozzarella, but I love to make mine.  As soon as it's done I drop it into ice water for a minute or so and then toss it into the salad. It only takes 30 minutes (less time than it takes to go to the store with 2 kids in tow) 30 minute mozzarella recipe.

5 or 6 medium-large ripe tomatoes (whatever your preference, ou can use roma, beefsteak, yellow pear or even a lot of cheery or grape tomatoes) chopped into large chunks
a handful of fresh basil sliced into thin strips
fresh mozzarella (3/4 of the batch if you make your own, probably about a whole pack if you buy it at the store)
balsalmic vinegar
extra virgin olive oil
salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Toss your tomatoes, cheese, and basil in a bowl. Drizzle lightly with olive oil and vinegar.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Lightly toss. Enjoy!

I like this salad best at room temperature.  I find that keeping tomatoes in the fridge causes them to become mealy and lose a lot of flavor.  We keep ours on the counter.  They keep just as long and have a better taste and texture.  In a salad thats primarily tomatoes, you really want them to taste their best. 

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